Monday, December 27, 2010


It was a whirlwind of days, we spent time decorating cookies at Grandmas....

Visited with family and friends from both near and far...
Sofia from Costa Rica celebrated Christmas in MN!!

Even the guy in the red suit came for a visit...
There were plenty of laughs when granny got a marshmallow shooter!Lots of excitement and very little sleep, and just like that its all over!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12 More days!

I'm running out of time, I've got so much shopping to do, baking, wrapping and visit with dear friends that are town! I took a vacation day today to sorta get all that done, and make it to Gavin's preschool Christmas show. But I only made it to the show, not one single thing got crossed of my list. I did get to see this guy do the "reindeer Poki" and sing some pretty cute songs!

And here is a little Cheer for YOU!

I hope you are having better luck getting ready for the Holidays. I'm off to shop alone tonight with hopes of making my list shorter! Cheers!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sleigh Bells!

We made our annual trip to the tree farm. The whole family took part in finding the perfect Christmas Tree. I think we heard "how about this one?" eighty times, and finally came across this one!
Then we enjoyed a sleigh ride and sipped on hot chocolate, on a beautiful winter day! I felt like singing "Just hear those sleigh bells ringing..." ♪♪♪
Gavin got to hold the reins and say "Whoa!" as you can see this was right up his alley! Another year of making Holiday memories :)

16 months

This guy turned 16 months this week, and in the past three months we went from cute little baby, to ever raging toddler! We are finally over the lets get five teeth at stage-whew! He's moved onto bigger and better things, like climbiNG! This child has no fear, none, he climbs on everything and anything. He has completely lost all interest of his high chair, and will only eat at the table with the rest of us.
He went from a little waddle to a full on RUN, in a matter of days.He LOVES to read books, play trucks, and wrestle his big brother. Did I mention he likes to climb, this is new to us, as the other two never climbed. I found him in his crib trying to climb out, and he was darn close. LORD help me... he will stay in that crib!!!

Its never a dull moment at our house, we sure our enjoying our sweet little toddler! Stay young buddy :)