Friday, August 21, 2009

Five and a HALF....

She's turned the corner, after all she's 5 1/2 now. A lot happens when your 5 1/2...start kindergarten, loose teeth, ride a two wheeler bike, tie shoes, become a big sister! Just this past week, Miss Isabel learned how to ride her bike without training wheels, AND lost her first tooth!!
It has hit me, that before my eyes she'll be driving a car, and looking for the perfect college to attend. She already looks SO much older without a tooth, and she even talks different.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brotherly love

Well 2 weeks has come and gone! I can't believe how fast time flies! We've been busy adjusting to becoming a family of 5. Gavin has been regressing the most, he for sure shows signs of being the "middle child". Hopefully as we get back into our routine, he will start to adjust. For now, were giving him the most attention, love and affection. He's SO proud to be a big brother!!! I was able to capture this rare moment....just too precious.


2 weeks old!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

He's here!

Our newest addition has arrived, and almost on the due date...not too shabby! We brought him home and are showing him around the house, where he sleeps, what "cars" he's aloud to play with, the garden, and even got introduced to the fish tank friends this morning. Needless to say the kids are so excited baby brother is here! Hopefully this babymoon will last awhile.... we're in love!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

40 weeks...

Well my due date has arrived, and I still have a baby in my belly! I officially can just barely see my toes, my belly button has popped, not even maternity shirts cover my belly anymore, and my heartburn is in full force.
BUT the good news is.... I have a coming home outfit ready for him, my camera and all the right lenses are packed, his bed is all ready for him, I have a fresh hair cut and color, a pedicure scheduled, all the important things covered! So come on already Mr.Stubborn we want to bring you home!!