Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Better late than never....

I finally got the chance to take Isabel's 5 year pictures. The first attempt didn't go so well, as she pulled a total attitude and was way overtired. The 2nd attempt went much better, as you can see she's quite the poser! This was my first attempt at taking them myself...far, far from the pros's but heck it's Free! The outfit is one my mom and I have been working on since spring, finally done, turned out exactly what I wanted!!
Without further ado....Miss IzabellaRoselina.

This last one was taken at a cute little church up at the cabin...it was my dad's idea!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Another year of fourth of July memories has been made! Another trip to the cabin to spend the days at the lake, fishing, and visiting family. Reminding us each of our Independence, and how exciting it is to find that. Gavin is recently a diaper free kid, and has gained such self confidence ever since! He showed us that he can jump off the dock all by himself, AND tube all by himself! Who needs uncle Ben to help? Instead he screams faster Daddy FASTER!!
He had so much fun fishing with Papa too! Papa even tried to get him to kiss a fish!
Isabel was all about celebrating her freedom as well. She has made huge strides in just a year. You see last year she was scared to even walk on the dock, or even dip her toes in the water. Look what she was doing this year....
Yes jumping off the dock! It shortly became a competition, and we couldn't get her out of the water! This one got a 10!

We were also able to spend part of the weekend with relatives in town from Chicago. Enjoying time on Grandpa Barney's new boat!

Hoping you enjoyed the Holiday weekend...
We sure did!

Enjoying Summer!

We've been busy enjoying our summer, doing warm weather things-YEA! A recent trip to the beach let the kids be kids! The little guy had a blast with the sand... he could get dirty, splash, and run without getting in trouble. Isabel also enjoyed the beach, and has become quite the little fish.

Oh how I love summer days! Hoping we can enjoy many more of these!