Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Official...

In 27 days I will leave my three darling little children, and escape to paradise for 7 whole DAYS! Seven days without hearing whining, crying, fighting, and being called "mom" 1, 399,735 times a day! Seven nights of a full a eight hours sleep! Seven peaceful dinners with just my husband!
I plan to soak up the sun, put my toes in the sand, have adult conversations, shop, perhaps an ocean side massage, and of course a constant beverage in my hand! It's official my passport has arrived, Mexico here I come! Can you tell I'm just a little excited?!

Friday, February 19, 2010

In the Olympic Spirit

We've been a little obsessed watching the Olympics lately. Perhaps all that skiing, snowboarding, and speed skating has influenced Gavin a little.... He's all about wearing his skiing helmet and goggles to go "do some jumps!"

"MA, watch this HUGE jump and twisto!" " me again!"
He's got a LONG way to go to make it to the Olympics- GO Team USA!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Roses are Red

A little disappointed that after four Valentine Parties this week, the chocolate is very limited! Here I thought I'd score a few Dove chocolates, or heart shaped Reese's, but instead we got mounds of suckers, and lollipops. Bummer! Isabel's attempt at poem writing....
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I'm glued to you!
Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 5, 2010

Puzzle mania....

A few months ago if anyone asked Gavin to do a puzzle he'd quickly say Yes, but not more than twenty seconds later he'd be in tears. "I can't do it, I need help", and the frustration would take over and the pieces would go flying!
I've proudly watched him in the last couple weeks get more and more confident at his puzzle skills.

He is SO into the puzzles, he hasn't got out of his pajamas all week. And he will not take the puzzles apart, he lines them up, and puts the box on top of them, then moves on to the next one, and continues this cycle all day long. puzzle anyone?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

SIX months

He very much enjoys to sit up and play, he thinks he's pretty cool. He also enjoys eating his fruits and veggies, and a good game of peek a boo! He thinks his sister his still pretty funny, in fact she can get a laugh from him, like nobody else! Happy six month birthday MR. we love you!