Now that we've been having nicer weather, the snow is gone, gone, gone! Which means you find all sorts of stuff in your yard that once was under all that white stuff. Last weekend the kids were out riding there bikes. The neighbors were out cleaning up their yard, picking up the dog poop. Gavin right away went over and said, "
Whatca doing", they kindly replied "well were cleaning up all of Bo's poop in the yard...wanna help?!" They were totally joking, but Gavin will take any opportunity to "Help" in any sort of way. He came running home asking for gloves, and I said, "for what, its too nice out for gloves." "I'm going to clean up poop." He really truly wanted to help, not sure if it was because there were gloves and shovels
involved or what?
Today he went outside to play, he found himself a shovel and bucket, and gloves...

And guess what he was playing? Yup I asked him, "
whatca doing?"

"I'm just picking up dog poop-ma!" Thank goodness he was just pretending with rocks, but really who needs
Lego's, and matchbox cars, when you can pick up poop!
**And NO this does not get us any closer to getting a four legged pet...ever!**
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