Over the last few years I've done tons of research on flat irons... yes flat irons! But as many of you know I have naturally curly hair that I insist getting straight. Of course these babies range from super cheap to super spendy. I wasn't looking to pay $300 for one, but also needed a quality one to do the job. I settled on one for around $100. Ever since I got my hands on it 7 months ago, it was love at first sight. I love it like another child, that baby gets my hair super silky straight just like the salons do.
Yesterday I went to use it and it wasn't hot. I checked and yes it was plugged in, yes the power light was on. I refrained from an almost cardiac arrest, as this was NOT how I wanted to start my day. Quickly searched to make sure I still had the box and receipt and called the manufacturer. Sweet it is still under warranty! So I packaged it up and sent it off to be replaced with a brand new one. Of course trying to hold back tears, as this will be the longest 2 weeks ever! Please hurry home!!!

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