This past weekend we spent some time up in Duluth. We were able to watch Scott run his 2nd marathon, which he finished with an amazing time... 3:25!! I still think anyone who thinks running 26 miles is fun, and enjoyable, is nuts. We enjoy watching, and cheering them along!

Here he is just about to mile 20, excited to see his cheerleaders!

Then at the finish line happy to be done!
After the marathon we headed to the cabin for the a relaxing day on the water. Isabel and Gavin both went tubing for the first time!! I have a feeling this might be their new favorite thing to do at the cabin!!

Isabel and Julia tubing together. After a long cruise around the lake finally brave enough to give us a wave!
Then Uncle Ben thought it would be fun to take Gavin for a ride. Here I thought my sensitive, reserved, little boy would want nothing to do with it. Nope he jumped right in with NO fear, and even gave a wave too!

Uncle Ben takes Gavin tubing for the first time!