I have once again forgotten about my blog, so bad I forgot the password! So here is a major update, and hope to get better at updating more. If time was ever on my side.ever!
Owen turned 18months this month. He's becoming very vocal, trying to say so much, but really has learned to scream louder when he wants something. Pretty much has figured out that if he screams, 1 out of the 4 in the family will respond. He still loves trucks!

His latest love is for shoes. Any shoe, shape or size. He spends the majority of the day at the front entry walking around in
everyone's shoes. I caught him in action trying SO hard to get Daddy's boots on.
Gavin is my go to camera guy. He loves to please his mama and knows he'll get a
jojo in return for his great work. Here he is posing for his valentine pictures. Such a ham. He still spends most of the day outside,
snowmobiling, skiing, sledding or puddle
Isabel is turning
7 in 29 days. I get the countdown daily, sometimes hourly. She is very busy planning her birthday party, and if things would go her way, she'd invite her whole class. Well more like the whole first grade. BUT she has to narrow that list down to seven friends.

prefers to be behind the camera just like her mama. She will not take a picture for anything-not sure what I had to bribe for this shot, its the only picture I have of her in months! I'm working on that!
Here is a school project she did. The kids all had to pick something they were good at,
ie: sing, dance, write, bake, create, etc.. and the submit it to a panel of judges. She picked photography, this was all her idea, she took the picture and I taught her some
photoshop tricks, this is what she came up with...

Its suppose to be like a talent show, except no show. There is an "art
exhibit" night where you can see what the judges had to say.