Monday, May 24, 2010


Life has kept us so busy, I almost forgot I had a blog. Here's a little of what we've been up to...

Isabel and I had a girls night out!

We saw Taylor Swift's concert again!!

Spending a ton of time outside enjoying spring, swinging

and getting some yard work done. Went to the Como Zoo with Grandma Barb

which meant rides at Como town!!

Laughing at O's new tricks...what a silly boy!
I did my very first senior photo shoot, I've been busy designing and editing!
Whew that was only a tiny portion of life at our house. Things are starting to settle down a little, before we quickly move right into the crazy summer schedule.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Take me out to the ball game...

A few months ago, Scott asked what was going on May 5th, I said nothing, he said "Good I'm taking the kids to a Twins game." I was not happy that he only bought 3 tickets, not 4, as I really, really wanted to go to a game. He has not heard the end of this, and is reminded daily that the mama needs a turn to the new stadium. And I make hints here and there to make a ticket purchase, so my fingers are crossed that I can get my eyes on Cuddyer sooner than later!

Today was the big day, they didn't last long in nose bleed seats, and it didn't help that it was the worlds windiest day ever, but they still had a blast! They even thought of me and took a picture of Cuddyer. so kind.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sock Hop

It appears we've been super busy lately, so just catching up a little.
Isabel attended her very first Sock Hop a few weeks ago. Thanks to Grandma Barb, she had her very own poodle skirt to shake, rattle and roll in.

She had so much fun with her Girl Scout Troop!

Nine months

It seems like yesterday my little O was just a newborn that could be swaddled and cuddled all day long. He ate and slept twenty-two hours a day. It saddens me that he has grown and changed oh so much.
He is mobile and into every.thing. He does.not.sit.still. He turned nine months old this week, and has discoved so much. He gets around by army crwaling, and recently figured out how to pull himself up to stand!!

I'm not ready for my baby to grow up and become independent, but he is SO proud of his accomplishments! I know that in a matter of time he'll be a toddler running around catching up with his brother and sister. But for now I'm savoring every second I can with that little man. Tonight we'll rock and sing just a little bit longer, tomorrow we'll snuggle in our jammies as long as we can, I'm cherishing these moments the best I can. Love you sweet boy!